Çağrı Çelenk, Hayati Arslan, Zait Burak Aktuğ, Emre Şimşek


The balance in the formation of high performance and the display of skill in all sports branches has an important place. The aim of the study is to compare the static and dynamic balance performances of individual athletes with team athletes. A total of 55 athletes, 29 team athletes and 26 individual athletes, currently licensed to perform sports, participated in the study. Static and dynamic balance performances of the athletes were determined by the Biodex isokinetic balance system. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine the difference between the static and dynamic balance performances of individual athletes and team athletes after analyzing through the SPSS software program. As a result of statistical analysis, there was no significant difference between static and dynamic balance performances of team athletes and individual athletes (p <0.05). As a result, improved fitness performance is required for effective use of motor skills in all sports branches and high performance. But according to the sports branch, the need for equilibrium is different. For this reason, it can be said that it is more important to assess the balance performance between the branches in terms of the need, rather than to evaluate the balance performance as a team and individual sportsman.


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team athletes, individual athletes, static balance, dynamic balance

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