The study aimed to determine the Agility contribution ratio in the accuracy of the Overwhelming shooting of the volleyball youngsters, where the researchers used the descriptive approach in its two methods associative and analytical approach center regional Algiers. The research sample has included 24 players from the second national department Center regional Algiers randomly chosen from the original group of (120) players percentage of 20%. The researcher used the Agility Test and the Overwhelming rational shooting Skill Test. The SPSS statistical package program was also used to analyze the results of the study and in the end, the following has been reached:
- there is a statistically significant correlation between the Agility and the Overwhelming rational shooting of the volleyball youngsters
- the proportion of the contribution of Agility in Overwhelming rational shooting was good, which confirms the effectiveness of this capacity in the performance of the skill.
- draw an equation from which we can accurately predict the results in Overwhelming rational shooting in indication of the volleyball youngsters Agility.
Accordingly, the researcher recommended the need to pay more attention to overwhelming rational shooting for players during the training sessions, rely on the predictive equivalent resulting from this study, and make studies on the contribution of other physical and kinetic abilities in various offensive and defensive skills in volleyball.
Article visualizations:
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Copyright (c) 2018 Guergour Mohamed, Rami Azeddine, Baouche Khaled, Laidani Hakim

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