The aim of this study was to determine the effect of six week sprint training applied to soccer players on antioxidant levels. Eighteen football players participated voluntarily and six-weekly sprint training was applied. Soccer players were given a 20-m sprint test to determine antioxidant levels before training, and blood samples were taken before and after the test and this were repeated after six weeks. The effects of the training to the antioxidant systems were searched by the estimated the levels of SOD, CAT and MDA on the taken blood samples before and after the sprint training. The statistically significant results were obtained for serum CAT (2,89±0,85 and 8,42±0,81 U/ml) and MDA (16,39±2,66 and 29,10±2,62 mmol/L) (p<0,05) values before and after the sprint test of the athletes at the end of the 6-week sprint training, but there was no statistically significant result despite the difference in SOD (1,74±0,13and 2,49±0,13 U/ml) value. On the other hand statistically significant results were found in serum SOD (1.67±0.36 and 0,88±0,20 U/ml) and CAT (0.15±0.01and 5,25±0,47 U/ml) (p<0,05) values before and after sprint test of athletes, but there was no statistically significant result even though there was a difference in MDA (4.83±0.99 and 3,68±0,77 mmol/L) value. Consequently, making training can cause development on antioxidant defense, and it can affect the antioxidant production.
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