While the purpose of this research is to investigate the relation between the job satisfaction and self-esteem of provincial directors of youth and sports, their self-esteem and job satisfaction has also been investigated with regard to some demographic variables. As data collection tools, “Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory”, “Minnesota Job Satisfaction Scale” and “Demographic Information Form” developed by Stanley Coopersmith have been used. The statistics of Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U and Correlation Analysis have been used in the research. Following the statistics performed, a significant difference hasn’t been established between the variables of self-esteem of the participants, age, educational background, term of employment, term of employment as a manager, sex and marital status. No significant difference has been found between the job satisfaction of participants and sex; between the term of employment and term of employment as a manager. It has been determined that the scores of the individuals with a bachelor’s degree are significantly higher than those having master’s or PhD degree in the sub-dimensions of extrinsic satisfaction, intrinsic satisfaction and general satisfaction in job satisfaction, there is a significant difference between the extrinsic sub-dimension scores of the participants and the variable of age, extrinsic satisfaction scores of the individuals aged 40 and above are significantly higher than the individuals aged between 30-34. According to the results of Spearman correlation analysis, it has been ascertained that there is a negatively moderate relation between the self-esteem and extrinsic satisfaction and a positively moderate relation is in question between the self-esteem and general satisfaction.
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