The purpose of this study is to know that the mental training through imagery allows improving the learning of individual defensive tactical principles in young footballers, and validate the program by experimental procedures that is to say, to study its effects on learning in young footballers. Twelve national footballers, aged 12 ± 1year participated in the experiment. Among this population, two groups including a group of physical training, technical, tactical (EPTT) and a group of physical training, technical, tactical and mental (EPTTM) were formed. The group (EPTTM) was subjected to 32 mental training sessions of 20 minutes spread over 4 months with two sessions per week. The compendium of measures was made by the experimenter. These measures consisted of all ratings assigned by judges; experts obtained by the players during the various competitions, tactical execution notes were identified and recorded in the form of penalty. The average individual tactical principles (marking, pressing, cover, superiority), footballers Group (EPTTM) increased significantly mannered penalty charges reduce the pre-test to post-test (1.93point vs 0.76 point p <0.05) ., while the players of the group (EPTT) increased insignificantly penalty charges decrease from pre-test to post-test (vs 1.66 1.86point point p> 0.05). The homogeneity of the groups (EPTTM) and (EPTT) during the pre-test, allows to suggest that mental training produces a better learning of the principles of individual tactics. This assessment allowed us to test the hypothesis raised. Indeed, the mental training associated with physical training, technical, tactical causes an improved learning of individual defense principles.
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