The study aims to identify the values of Certain kinematics variables to field defends skill in volleyball with players of the clubs of section II 'nobles' and the discovery of mechanical errors that have an impact on the skill performance when volleyball players’ accuracy, identify the percentage contribution of some kinematics variables in result skill performance, indicate that the kinematics variables significant impact on the development of corrective exercises own skill, and finally to show the effectiveness of the exercise corrective built according kinematics variables extracted from videos analysis of performance of the players and proposed to correct skill performance of the players in clubs of section II ''nobles''.
In order to further study, we used the experimental method on a sample deliberate volleyball clubs activist in the second national department (regional center) volleyball, and was the 30 players, a control group of 15 Players and an experimental group of 15 club players (NAHD), (NRBH), (ASJK). Using the field observation, videography, Anthropometric measurements, field defends skill testing, kinematic analysis of videos. The researchers found that corrective exercises programmed her highly effective in developing and improving skill performance of the players of clubs in section II ''nobles'', kinematics analysis helps to detect and determine the kinetic errors in performance, kinematics analysis helps build corrective exercises necessary to amend the players mistakes. From all this, the researchers concluded that kinematics variables and because of its importance is an important factor that should be resorted to in order to develop and improve the performance of the players in the field defends skill in volleyball. Therefore, the researchers suggest the need to be a coach familiar with the principles of bio-mechanics and familiar techniques of analysis and variables kinematics skill, help of the principles of bio-mechanics and the results of the kinematic analysis to propose practical exercises and corrective exercises for skills errors.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1370
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