The present study was conducted to evaluate and compare the anthropometric measurements among the different groups of throwers. 40 (10 javelin throwers, 10 discus throwers, 10 hammer throwers, 10 shot putters) male university level throwers were assessed during the All India Inter University Athletic Meet. The age of athletes was between 18 to 25 years. All the athletes were measured for height, weight, lengths of body parts, diameters of body parts and circumferences of body parts. One-way ANOVA revealed that the significant differences were reported in height (p<0.05), weight (p<0.05), length measurements (p<0.05), diameters of body parts (p<0.05) and circumferences of the body parts (p<0.05) among the different groups of throwers. Post-hoc analysis revealed that discus throwers were the tallest among the throwers. In the same way, the discus throwers had highest diameters among different groups of throwers. The shot putters had highest weight and circumferences among the different groups of throwers.
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