Harun Ayar


The purpose of this research is to determine the factors of influence of the individuals who do exercise in the Crossfit centers in Istanbul for recreational purposes and to relate these factors to some variables. The sample group of this experiment consists of individuals that do exercise in the Crossfit centers in Istanbul for recreational purposes. For the means of collecting data, “Recreational Exercise Motivation Scale” (REMM), which is developed to determine the factors of motivation for individuals to do recreational exercise, is used. To determine the recreational exercise motivations of participants, t-test is used for Independent Groups according to their gender variable. T-test for Independent Groups has been used to determine the recreational exercise motivation of participants with regard to gender type variable. A difference has been found in rivalry sub-dimension of REMM scale according to gender variable in the participants that go to the crossfit centers (p<0.05). When the data from this research have been examined, male individuals who go to the CrossFit centers participate more to the exercises with competitive reasons than female individuals.


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recreation, free time, leisure time, motivation, sports, crossfit

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1376


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