The purpose of this study was to assess the aggression and anxiety in different levels of volleyball players. For the purpose of the study, two groups namely higher and lower performance group were created. The higher performance group was composed of those players who had participated in senior state championship. Whereas lower performance group was composed of those players, who had participated in open district championship but could not be selected to represent the district team. Sports aggression inventory & competitive state anxiety inventory-2, Questionnaire tests were selected to collect the data. The C.S.A.I. questionnaires were administered to each player prior to the competition. Whereas sports aggression questionnaires were distributed to the athletes for their response immediately after the competition. To find the significance difference between high and low performance volleyball players on aggression and anxiety, the ‘t’ ratio was applied. The level of significance was set at .05. The result revealed that the high performance volleyball players had significantly more aggressive attitude than those of low performance volleyball players. The result also revealed that there is no significant difference between high and low level performance ability volleyball players in the dimension of anxiety.
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