The purpose of this study is to develop the physical test norms of table tennis players, men and women of 13-15 years old. The research method used is by the service through the field measurement test. Data analysis uses test-retest and part-whole techniques with assistance of SPSS version 23 software, while normality test is by using Anderson Darling program Minitab 16. Samples of the research a total of 141 players consist of 73 men player and 68 women player, age 13-15 years old who have been training for at least 2 years and exercising frequency 3 times a week. Results of the test norms include: arm span length, hand reaction speed, tennis ball catching test, shuttle run, 20 meters fast run and multistage run. The table tennis physical test norms are classified into five categories that are very good, good, moderate, poor and very poor.
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