The research was carried out with the aim of determining and assessing arm anaerobic power, leg anaerobic power and aerobic capacity in individuals with different branches of active sports. A total of 60 subjects engaged in active sports at Elite level in different branches participated in the study. These branches are; wrestling (group G, n:10), football (Group F, N = 10), bicycle (BI group, n = 10), boxing (BO group, n = 10), taekwondo (TA group, n = 10), and tennis (TE group, n = 10). The research was carried out in the performance Laboratory of Selçuk University School of Physical Education and Sports. For anaerobic measurements, two separate Monark branded Wingate ergometers for arm and leg were used. Shuttle run tests were performed for aerobic measurements. SPSS for Windows 15.0 package program was used in the calculation and assessment of the obtained data. The normality distribution of the measured parameters was determined by the Shapiro-Wilks test. One-way variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to determine the differences between sports branches. In determining the source of difference, the LCD and Dunnett's C were applied from Post-Hoc tests. Significance level was taken as 0.05 in this study. As a result of the leg Wingate ergometer test, the peak power values of wrestlers were found to be significantly different at p<0.05 level compared to those of football, boxing, taekwondo and tennis players. The results of arm Wingate ergometer test showed that the peak power values of the boxers and wrestlers were significantly different in p<0.05 compared to the athletes in other branches. When their MaxVO2 levels were examined, it was observed that the values of cyclists differ significantly in p<0.05 compared to the average of athletes in other branches except wrestlers.
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