The aim of this study is to investigate the perception of the amateur football, volleyball, and basketball players and their coaches’ behaviour towards them. 100 amateur football, 60 volleyball and 62 basketball players that filled recognition survey fully are included to the study. Turkish version of Coach Behavior Rating Scale was used. One Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and LSD (Least Significant Difference) tests were used for statically processing. There is no significant difference found in evaluation of coach behavior of football, volleyball, and basketball players in terms of personal rapport from subscales (p>0.05). A significant difference has been revealed in the sum of scale in physical training and goal setting at p<0.05 level and technical skills, mental preparation, competition strategies, negative personal rapport, and scale total score behavior of coach at p<0.001 level. There were differences according to branches. Technical skills and competition strategies have been found in volleyball more high from amateur football and basketball players. Negative personal rapport has been found in amateur footballers lower from volleyball and basketball players. Differences have been found in detection levels of amateur footballers, volleyball, and basketball players for coaches’ behaviour against them. A very useful outcome would be for a coach to produce a “Personal Improvement Behaviors” and set goals for the next of behaviours. According to branches, the reasons of differences in detection levels of coaches’ behaviors should be determined and eliminated.
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