The aim of this study was to examine to acute effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercises on circulatory parameters. Twenty three sedentary male subjects were voluntarily participated in the study. Heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure parameters were measured with four different trials such as before warming up, after warming up, after anaerobic exercise, and after aerobic exercise, acutely. Repeated measures one way ANOVA and LSD correction tests were used for statistical analysis. According to obtained data, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure parameters showed statistically changes between trials (p<0.05). There was no difference between trials in diastolic blood pressure (p>0.05). Especially, after anaerobic trial, circulation parameters showed marked changes. In summary, it can be said that warm-up, anaerobic exercise, and aerobic exercise acutely affect circulation parameters.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Alaa Mohammed Ali Abdulkareem Tahhan, Mustafa Özdal, Mehmet Vural, Muhammet Hakan Mayda

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