This research aims to determine cognizance of sport injuries in male sportsmen between 16 and 28 ages in volleyball, basketball, football and handball players. According to this research, injuries in male sportsmen between 16 and 28 ages in volleyball, basketball, football, handball branches in Bursa province and their cognizance of sport injuries, and the differences of these parameters according to branches are stated. The survey was conducted on 250 sportsmen. Participants’ average age was 19, 2±2, 79. In the present research, analyses of parameters were done by the computer program SPSS 16.0. While comparing of the continuous variables T Test and ANOVA were used. Categorical data were analyzed by using cross tables, chi-square test and Pearson’s Correlation Test. According to the results, muscle injuries, ligament, meniscus injuries and sprains were frequently seen. It was found that volleyball players take injuries more seriously than basketball player. More Injuries are at least taken into consideration by basketball players. It was also found that majority of the sportsmen that participated in the research; do not take specific precautions against injuries.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1542
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