The aim of this study is to review the effect of 8-week plyometric exercises on vertical jump, flexibility, hand grasping force, sit-up, push-up, balance and sprint performances of male basketball players aged 10-14. The study includes 38 basketball players aged 10-14. Basketball players are divided into two groups as experimental group (n=19) and control group (n=19). Experimental group underwent plyometric exercises three days a week for eight weeks along with their regular basketball exercises. Control group only continued their regular basketball exercises. A week before the study and also after the study, vertical jump, flexibility, hand grasping force, sit-up, push-up, balance and 30 m sprint run test measurements have been taken from both groups. For data analysis, Paired Samples T test and Independent Samples T test were used. As a result, among the pretest and posttest measurements, it is seen that regarding vertical jump, flexibility, hand grasping force, sit-up, push-up and balance test, there is significance (p<0.05) in favor of experimental group. When the pretest and posttest of experimental group are compared, statistical significance is seen (p<0.05) in terms of vertical jump, flexibility, hand grasping force, sit-up, push-up and balance measurements. No statistical significance is seen (p>0.05) between the pretest and posttest values of the control group in terms of vertical jump, flexibility, hand grasping force, sit-up, push-up, balance and 30 m sprint. It can be reckoned that 8 weeks of plyometric exercises applied to male basketball players aged 10-14 have positive effects on vertical jump, flexibility, hand grasping force, sit-up, push-up and balance performances.
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