Introduction: According to the statistics, from a modest 400 athletes representing 23 countries at first Paralympic games in Rome (1960), the modern Paralympic games now boats 4,000 athletes from 150 nations and ever increasing global television audience. There are currently 10 Paralympic sports (summer & winter) that involve competition in the form of wheelchair. This review article provides an overview of the evidence that links exercise and sports participation to physical and psychological well-being among people with spinal cord injury. Aim of the Study: To encourage exercise and sports participation to promote health and well-being among people living with spinal cord injury. Method: A literature study was conducted using PUBMED search. Out of 65,178 papers identified relating to spinal cord injury out of which 999 papers were related to Wheelchair sports and 404 articles on Paralympic sports. Conclusion: In discovering the potential of individuals with SCI for getting involved in Physical exercises showed improvement in health parameters including- HDL Cholesterol, Physical Functioning & Independence, overcoming shoulder pain, Respiratory function and Psychological well-being. Hence, sport group should be an inherit part of the rehabilitation process. Also, individual not having access to Physical exercise should be given opportunity to participate in wheelchair mobility training. This may improve the adherence to Physical exercises of individuals with SCI in post-clinical settings.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Rajendra Kachhwaha, Sriraghunath S., Ishita Vyas

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