Ömür Gülfirat


The purpose of this study is: comparison and determination of the balance skills of football players through dynamic posturography with some selected parameters. The experimental group of the research is composed of super amateur level football players who have at least 4 years of sports experience and study at Istanbul Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports (N=90). The sample, which was determined through convenience sampling method, is composed of voluntary participants (n=30). Data form (sport year, position, dominant foot preference) was applied as the data collection tool. Balance measurements were performed by a specialist physician from the Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine Department of Audiology through a dynamic posturography. Six gradual sensorial organization tests were applied to the participant. Every step was repeated three times, the steps were applied from simple to difficult (eyes open and platform static) (eyes closed platform and cabin moving). With respect to how to read test result the data from the participants were compared to the maximum theoretical limit. The results were evaluated in a range of 0-100. According to the result, obtained 100 points constitute perfectness. T test and Anova analysis were applied as the statistical process. As a result, a significant difference was found in auditory, prefer and composite equilibrium parameters according to the foot preferences of footballers. Significant differences were also found in the balance skill scores of goalkeepers and defense players. It has been determined that goalkeeper’s visual balance skills are better. In the literature survey, dynamic posturography and sensory organizational testing was not used as a measure of balance skills performed on athletes.


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balance, sensory organization test, dynamic posturography

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