In this study, effects of 8-weeks zumba exercise on body weight, aerobic fitness, leg and back strength, grabbing strength, subcutaneous fat thickness, body fat percentage, blood pressure and resting pulse are investigated. 20 sedentary women participated in the study voluntarily. 60-minute zumba exercises were applied in three days a week. The study was scheduled for a single group as pretest-posttest. Physiological and physical values of the subjects were taken before and after the 8 weeks work out program and paired t test statistical technique was used for analyzing data. According to analysis results, significant difference was found with regard to body weight, flexibility, aerobic fitness, leg and back strength, body fat percentage of the subjects (p < 0.05). Significant differences were not encountered for dominant grabbing strength, blood pressure and resting heart rate (p > 0.05). In conclusion, in our study conducted with the aim of searching effects of 8-weeks zumba work out on health related physical fitness factors in women, it was found that zumba exercise had a positive effect on body weight, body fat rate, flexibility, leg and back strength, max vo2 values.
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