The main aims of this study are to develop “The Motivational Factors Scale of being Choir Singer (MFSCS)” and define the validity and reliability for Turkish population. This research is descriptive research restricted by the choir singers in Antalya city center. In this study, face to face data collecting method applied to all choir singers (n=653) in Antalya. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was done, and varimax rotation was performed on 40 items for MFSCS and the MFSCS was grouped into seven factors. Whether the data was suitable to this analysis, Kaiser Mayer Olkin and Bartlett Sphericity test results were taken into consideration and then, EFA was performed. Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency test was applied to the identified sub-factors and overall scale. It was found that CFA parameters were in limits. Pearson Correlations Test was conducted to define the statistical correlation between sub-classes and items. Results have been assessed according to significant level 0.01 and 0.05. As a result, it was founded that Cronbach’s Alpha as 0.928, total explained variance as %65.58 and CFA parameters were in statistically satisfactory limits. It can be concluded that MFSCS has reliability and validity in the estimation of “The Motivational Factors Scale of Being Choir Singer” for the Turkish population.
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