Introduction: Cardiorespiratory endurance has long been recognised as one of the fundamental components of physical fitness. (Anstrand, 1986 and Maughan, 1969). The purpose of this scientific paper is to identify whether exercises affect the improvement of VO2max indicators after intervening with a special training program for a 12-week period for bodybuilding. Also, to find out whether circuit system training exercises with weights increases VO2max among bodybuilders. Methods: The data was collected from 23 bodybuilders in Tirana took part in the study (22 years SD 3.9) (12 male performed the intervention program while 11 male were control group that did the usual training program). Ergometer test were used to evaluate the VO2 Max. The intervention training program lasted 12 weeks on frequency 6 times per week, 60 minutes for each training session. It was used circuit weight routine with an intensity between 60% to 80% on 2 group muscles in a session (8 – 10 exercises, 3 – 5 circuits, 12 – 20 reps). Results: The results showed that the baseline mean values for intervention group were 32.1 ml/kg/min and control group 37.9 ml/kg/min. After the intervention the results showed that intervention group had a mean values 37.8 ml/kg/min while control group 37.6 ml/kg/min. Discussion: In conclusion the results show significant improvement on VO2 Max on intervention group (mean diff=5.7; p= 0.000) and no significant improvement on control group (mean diff=0.3; p= 0.276). Finally, it was found out that strength exercises affect the optimal level in improving VO2max.
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