Introduction: The purpose of this scientific paper is to compare the physical parameters between the age groups as well as the force with the drop jump test. Methods: In this study, three groups of randomly selected subjects were included. 28 participants took part in the study (9 participants 18.5 years SD 2.1; 8 participants 22.7 years SD 2.4; 11 participants 29 years SD 2.9). The participants were regularly bodybuilder that took part in national championship in Albania. Drop jump test were used measuring force using a force plate. Results: The final results on this study for age category comparison show that; for body weight comparison does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.8), body height does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.5), maximum drop-down strength does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.7) the maximum force per kg of drop jump does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.9), the maximum power on drop jump does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.9), the contact time does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.1), time in the air does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.4), the difference in air time and momentum does not represent significant changes (sig = 0.8). Discussion: To conclude data of this study show that there is no significant changes between three age groups for anthropometric parameters and force.
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