Physical quality is an important factor in the modern football and especially the speed, which we considered it necessary to investigate on the article "The effects of games reduced for the development of the quality of speed in the young soccer players of Algerians under the age 14yo in the club of me R. Mécheria", considering that the speed in soccer seems to be neglected in the training (formation) at the level of the young soccer players. Being essential in soccer, our research work recommends using the reduced games (sets) for improving speed qualities. So for our study, we chose the club of Mécheria; for that, we chose 20 players. The training program suggested realizing a positive development between both tests in the tests of speed in favour of the experimental group. This indicates the impact of the workout program in the evaluation of the level of the quality of speed in the (experimental) sample of the search (research). On the basis of all these results (profits) which were statistically significant, it is suggested the need of using the games (sets) reduced for the development of this quality.
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