Background: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate FAI (functional ankle instability) in fencers using CAIT (Cumberland ankle instability tool) and to check balance, strength & endurance using SLS (single leg stance test) and CRT (calf raise test). Using ZEBRIS HP Cosmos Gait Analysis System and find out the alterations in the gait parameters and effect of 4 week comprehensive rehabilitation program that targets strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, agility, mind body connection and functional tasks and to reevaluate the effect of the rehabilitation program on each of the above parameters. Methods: 40 male fencers with FAI with the age groups between 18-25 years. Experimental group (n=20) age (21.55 + 2.08) and the Controlled group (n=20) with age (21.95 + 1.905). Subjects were classified on the severity based upon the scores of CAIT scale. Age, BMI, height, weight were the baseline evaluations. Dominance, side of injury, no. of times ankle was injured, and treatment taken was also documented. The experimental group underwent a 4 weeks rehabilitation program and the control group was not put on any rehab program. Each of the parameters were measured again after 4 weeks. Conclusions: There were significant differences in the balance, balance improved significantly in the experimental group (P value of 0.00), the strength and endurance was also improved in the experimental group (P value of 0.00), the CAIT score was also improved significantly in the experimental group indicating the improvement in the stability of the affected ankle (P value of 0.00). The foot rotation degree showed no significant differences with (P value of 0.34). Step length showed significant differences in the experimental group (P value of 0.00). Stride length also showed significant post rehabilitation in the experimental group (P value of 0.00). No significant differences were seen in step width, step time and cadence. Velocity showed significant differences in the experimental group in post rehab readings (P value of 0.01). Finally the evidence suggests that the 4 weeks rehabilitation program improves the ankle instability in fencers, strength and balance was improved rendering the joint less chances of repeated & concurrent injuries, possibly improves the performance and game quality.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1727
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Copyright (c) 2018 Amrinder Singh, Prathamesh Nikam, Shweta Shenoy, Jaspal Sandhu

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