The consumption of energy drinks has grown considerably in recent years by virtue of which it occupies the beverage market today, and promoted its ability to promote energy levels and vigilance. It contains caffeine as an essential ingredient and other substances such as chlorine, enositol and glucuronolactone. The aim of this study is to understand the views of athletes and their awareness of the impact of energy drinks on tools. Materials: The questionnaire was used to include two axes, the first of which is the knowledge of athletes' awareness of the difference between sports drinks and energy drinks. The second is the health problems caused by energy drinks for athletes. Research methods: The descriptive approach and the study sample included 32 athletes who were deliberately selected. Results: The results were as follows: Most athletes do not realize the difference between drinkers and do not know the risks of energy drinks to their health and the risks they may pose. Conclusion: The results of the studies today are to sensitize and educate the athletes about what may cause these drinks problems on their health, and the athlete to take all the necessary precautions and know the perfect drink that covers the needs without compromising his health.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Guergour Mohamed, Baouche Khaled, Baizid Abdelkader, Laidani Hakim

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