The reason for display examine was to survey the Emotional Stability in basketball players. For this reason, the agents had chosen thirty (N=30) male basketball players of 20 to 25 years old to go about as subjects. They were partitioned into three distinctive playing position in basketball players (i.e., N1=10; Point Guard, N2=10; center, N3=10 power forward). The purposive testing method was utilized to choose the subjects. One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was utilized to think about the distinctive playing position in basketball players. Where 'F' values were discovered huge, LSD (Least Significant Difference) Post-hoc test was connected to discover the heading and level of distinction. For testing the theories, the level of importance was set at 0.05. The outcomes delineated that insignificant contrasts have been found concerning the parameter self-acknowledgment among point guard, center and wicket guardian players as the P-value (Sig.) .862 was discovered higher than the 0.05 level of importance (P>0.05).
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