The present study was conducted to construct norms for selected physical fitness test items of handball players. For the purpose of the present study, fourty eight (N=48), male Handball players of Panjab University, Chandigarh between the age group of 18-25 years were selected as subjects. The Muscular Strength was measured by Handgrip Strength Test, Muscular Power was measured by Vertical Jump Test, Muscular Endurance was measured by Pull-Up Test, Running Speed was measured by 20-Meter Dash, Running Agility was measured by Illinois Agility Test, Jumping Ability was measured by Standing Long Jump Test, Throwing Ability was measured by Overhead Medicine Ball Throw Test, Flexibility was measured by Sit and Reach Flexibility Test and Balance was measured by Stork Balance Stand Test. The data, which was collected by administering tests, was statistically treated to develop for all the test items. In order to construct the norms, Percentile Scale was used. Further, the scores were classified into five grades i.e., very good, good, average, poor and very poor. In Muscular Strength, the mean score was 49.562 and standard deviation score was 3.679. In Muscular Power, the mean score was 48.062 and standard deviation score was 2.276. In Muscular Endurance, the mean score was 6.958 and standard deviation score was 1.098. In Running Speed, the mean score was 4.6354 and standard deviation score was 0.143. In Running Agility, the mean score was 17.606 and standard deviation was 0.834. In Jumping Ability, the mean score was 2.7260 and standard deviation was 0.415. In Throwing Ability, the mean score was 13.562 and standard deviation score was 0.976. In Flexibility, the mean score was 4.625 and standard deviation score was 0.832. In Balance, the mean score was 46.354 and standard deviation score was 1.561of Panjab University, Chandigarh.
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