In the present study, the aim was to examine the anxiety levels of athletes that deal with swimming sports regularly in terms of success and some socio-demographic variables. A total of 116 people, who were selected according to the Convenient Sampling Method, and who were between the ages of 16 and 23, participated in the study. Fifty-seven of the participants were female (49.1%), and 59 were male (50.1%). The Illinois Anxiety Test, which consisted of 15 questions were applied to the participants. According to the results, the Internal Consistency Coefficient was found as Alpha = 0.73 for 15 items. This coefficient may be considered as being extremely high for a measurement scale consisting of 15 items, and therefore, the scale was accepted as reliable. The relations between the total scores received from the IAT Scale and the scores received by the participants in competitions were examined with the “Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Analysis”. The average values, standard deviation values and similar descriptive statistical values for the scores received by the participants from the competitions and the total score received from the IAT Scale were recorded. The comparison between the total scores received by different socio-demographical groups and the scores received from the competitions in terms of the group averages was made with the One-Way Variance Analysis (ANOVA). The evaluation of the average values of these scores was done by employing the “Tukey-HSD Post-Hoc” test to determine between which groups the statistical differences were detected. A statistically significant difference was detected between the average scores of the IAT Scale total points that was formed according to the grades of the participants in the sample of the study [F (4,111) = 6.692; p <0.05]. According to the results of the “Tukey-HSD Post-Hoc” Test, which was done to determine the source of the difference between the groups, those who were the 4th and 9th in the competitions had statistically higher anxiety scores than those who were 1st, 2nd, 10th and the rest. The results obtained in the present study were discussed in line with the data reported in the literature.
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