The was designed to compare the three parameters viz. Shoulder girdle strength, explosive leg power and abdominal strength among jumpers, throwers and sprinters. A total of forty five subjects fifteen of each specialization were included in the study (Age group – 22-25 years). Three tests viz. Medicine Ball Throw Test, Sargent Jump Test (Vertical Jump), Bent-Knee Sit Ups were administered for testing Shoulder Girdle Strength, Explosive Leg Power and Abdominal Strength respectively. One-way ANOVA was applied to compare the three groups. Results revealed that significant differences exist among Jumpers, Throwers and Sprinters on all three parameters (p<.05). To conclude, Throwers exhibit more Shoulder Girdle Strength than jumpers and sprinters, Jumpers had more Explosive Leg Strength than throwers and sprinters, and Sprinters own more Abdominal Strength than Jumpers and Throwers.
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