Our goal in our study entitled “Football Transportation: how is taking place in the sports pages of newspapers?” presented the news of the transfer of players in newspapers and the realization rate apprehended by comparing how many of the news written by the newspaper press are meant to perform ethical dimension evaluations. This research frequently used the content analysis of media method. In this study, a descriptive survey model aimed at describing the nature of the facts as they are used. It was analyzed using content analysis method. The news in the newspapers were screened between 1 July 2015 and August 31, 2015. The study analyzed the daily newspapers which are being published in Turkey. Press advertising agency regularly according to data published in daily newspapers has been identified as 46. Two newspapers from the right wing of the political spectrum; Turkey and time, using the rhetoric of the Republic and one day left, the liberal media group Hurriyet and Posta newspapers, sports newspapers and Fanatik newspapers as Fotomaç represented our study sample. In conclusion, according to the findings of the research we have achieved; 6-day transfer news newspaper sports pages, while the number of 304, 2 number of newspaper sports football transfer news 204, the total number is 508 8 newspaper's football transfer news. Transfer season in the transfer market newspapers have survived over the news for Besiktas, Fenerbahce, Galatasaray and Trabzonspor have seen their primary news.
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