Elif Bozyigit


Self-leadership is one of the topics that have been studied with interest in recent years. It can be described as self-leadership the emergence of self-leadership energy within the individual, fulfilling his/her self-affairs and self-duties, and create his/her self-motivation. The purpose of this study is to examine the self-leadership levels of volleyball players and determine the relationship with their competition achievement. The data were collected from volleyball players who studied at different university and played volleyball in 2. League of Turkish University Sports Federation (n=138; female 38%, male 62%). In this research, the short form adapted to Turkish (Şahin, 2015) of "Abbreviated Self-Leadership Questionnaire (ASLQ)" developed by Houghton et al. (2012) was used as data collection tool. The questionnaire consists of nine items and may be used as a general assessment of the global self-leadership construct. For this study, Cronbach’s Alpha was found to be .824. In the results of analyzes, the level of self-leadership of the volleyball players was found to be high. There was no significant difference between variables and ASLQ scores. There was a low level, negative and significant of correlation between the volleyball players’ achievement (ranking) and the ASLQ scores.


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self-leadership, volleyball player, student, competition achievement, university league

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