Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate parents’ expectations about general sport activities for their pre-school children. It is well documented that the awareness of sports knowledge of the parents are essential for the development of healthy life and acquiring a social dimension with a growth of healthy generations. Method: We administrated the ‘’Parents' Expectations of Their Children Questionnaire’’ developed by Keskin (2006). The questionnaire was a Likert type scale from ‘’totally agree’’ to ‘’totally disagree’’ and validity and reliability studies were reported by Keskin as Cronbach’s alpha was 0,86. A total of 125 participants (male; N = 39, Mage=35, 24 ± 5,48 , female; N = 86 and Mage=37,92 ± 6,65) were voluntarily participated from 10 different kinder gardens in Bursa province. The evaluation of the data was analysed with the Chi Square Test. Result: Our results revealed a statistical differences (p < .05) according to the sex groups of parents ‘’I believe my child will gain good eating habits by getting involved with sports activities’’ and age groups of parents; ‘’I believe by getting involved with sport activities, my child will stay away from psychological stress’’. Conclusion: According to parents’ belief and their expectations, attending sports activities for children provides physical, cognitive and social development for them. Developing countries (as well as developed ones) that are aware of the role of the parents on development of human being via sport and exercise activities should take into account their expectations especially in terms of sports policies.
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Copyright (c) 2018 S. Erol, R. Arabacı, F. Erol, M. Doğan, A. Acar, N. Gürak, Vardar, T.

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