Olanipekun Johnson Adetunji, Akindutire Isaac Olusola


This paper focuses on body image as a global health concern on the body dissatisfaction among girls and women in developing countries. Dissatisfaction with one’s appearance and shape is a common feeling in the society that can foster unhealthy attitudes, as well as disordered eating and exercising behaviour. This may also result in purchasing unhealthy products that are harmful to their health. Issues related to the body image across the life span, its causes, sources of information and health threats were discussed. The dynamics of body dissatisfaction among girls and women and health impacts were of great concerns. Towards the prevention of body image as a global health concerns, it was therefore, recommended that there should be health education programme on prevention of eating disorders and fitness exercises on girls and women. The messages girls and women usually receive from peers, media as well as role model of teachers and adults in the society, should be examined on body image issues. The ecological context in which girls and women develop and function need to be changed.


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body image, dissatisfaction, health threats, media, objectification, social-learning

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