The tendency of declining interest and the desire of the public to do sport activities is very alarming, because it is not comparable with the government's increasingly serious and consistent efforts in the development of sports. The purpose of this study is to know the level of public awareness of sport regularly during productive age of 20-40 years old. This study is a descriptive qualitative research. Sources of data in this study came from interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was using Likert scale analysis and descriptive data analysis. Based on the observation results obtained data on the level of awareness in exercising regularly in men aged 20-40 years old with the following criteria: high criteria of 20% with the type sport of penchant for football and volleyball, medium criteria of 70% with the type of sport of penchant for football, volleyball and badminton and a low criterion of 10% with the type of badminton and soccer sport of penchant. While the level of awareness in exercising regularly in women aged 20-40 years old with the following criteria: 10% high criteria with gymnastics and volleyball gymnastics, moderate criteria of 75% with badminton, gymnastics and volleyball, while low criteria amounting to 15% with badminton sport type.
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