The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of exercise in the form of recreational team sports on resting fibronolytic activity of healthy men. Thirty-four healthy men, 20-37 years old, volunteered to participate in the research. The subjects were separated in two groups, exercisers who participated regularly during the last six months in recreational team sports such as volleyball, basketball and football (Group A, n=17) and inactive men who, on average, did not exercise regularly with a frequency of more than 1 hour per fortnight during the last six months (Group B, n=17). Measurements of anthropomorphological and hemodynamic characteristics were taken place. For the evaluation of resting fibrinolytic activity, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) at rest were measured. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and independent samples t-tests of the SPSS ver. 20.0 for windows was used. The results showed that hemodynamic state of exercisers is better than that of inactive men, since they have lower heart rate (64.82+15.23 vs 69.41+11.61 bpm), systolic blood pressure (114+10.58 vs 115.35+12.90 mmHg), and diastolic blood pressure (72.06+10.91 vs 78.65+12.13 mmHg) at rest. In addition, there were observed significantly more increased resting t-PA levels (t=-3.49, p<0.01), as well as significantly more decreased resting PAI-1 levels (t=2.26, p<0.05) in the group of young men who participate in regular exercise in the form of team sports compared with the group of young men who didn’t participate in any exercise. Consequently, it could be said that physical fitness achieved through the regular participation in recreational team sports, such as football, volleyball and basketball, effect positively on blood fibrinolytic activity. Thus, aiming on fibrinolytic activity improvement, the regular participation in recreational team sports should be emphasized.
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