All sportive activities known throughout history take place and have a meaning in a natural, social and cultural environment. Sports meets such human demands and desires as competition, heroism, strength, courage, etc. The sportman’s world of action and world of value are not cut off from each other in the sphere of sports, on the contrary, they are closely linked together as in other sections that shape and regulate the human life. For the human being is a being of value. This study deals with the Religious Rites in Kirkpinar Wresting Tournaments and the Religious Beliefs of the Wrestlers. Within the frame of historical and cultural background of Kirkpinar oil wrestling tournaments, the aim is to determine peshrev / ritualistic behavior of the wrestlers in these tournaments and implicit religious-historical sense of the world of wrestling competitions as well as the religious belief levels of the wrestlers that participate in the oil wrestling tournaments. In this regard, the Religious Worldview Scale was used on the samples selected among the wrestlers that participate in Kirkpinar Oil Wrestling Tournament. Certain results were reached through the use of data acquired from this scale. Appropriate statistical tests were applied for the analysis and assessment of the acquired data. In addition to the religious-historical background of the wrestling tournaments, the religious beliefs of the wrestlers were determined as well. As a result of this finding, significant differences were found between the demographic variables and religious worldview.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2121
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