Özlem Üstün, M. M. Yorulmazlar


The aim of our study is to determine the effect of participative and transformational leadership styles exhibited by activity leaders of participator in recreational activities on their participation in recreation activities. In this way, Beykoz Municipality is able to determine new methods in the planning and implementation of sports activities in the recreation areas. Our study is designed for relational screening model. In our study, the relationship between the satisfaction levels of the participants and the leadership styles of the recreation leaders were investigated. The managerial leadership style of recreation leaders has a 76.4% effect on the satisfaction of those participating in recreational activities irrespective of the transformational leadership. The 23.6% effect is represented by other variables. 266 subjects were included in our study. The sample was determined by a single sample t-test which represented the universe uniformly and homogeneously. The normality test was applied at 0.05 significance level in order to determine whether the data were distributed normally. It was determined that the data did not show normal distribution. Demographic characteristics of sample individuals were determined by frequency analysis. The relationship between the satisfaction of the participants and the leadership styles of the recreation leaders during the activity was determined by the correlation analysis at the significance level of 0,01. The effect of leadership styles displayed by recreation leaders on customer satisfaction was determined by regression analysis at a level of 0,01 significance level. As a result of our study, individuals, who participate in sports activities in recreation areas of Beykoz Municipality, determined that recreation leaders involved in the activities of recreation activities increased the level of the managerial leadership styles demonstrated. Since the impact of managerial leadership and productive recreation leaders on the satisfaction levels of consumers consuming recreational sports products is 76.4%, the improvement of the production of recreation products in accordance with the managerial leadership style will increase the satisfaction level.


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municipality, recreation, recreation leadership

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