This paper was to investigate the effect of menstruation cycles on sportive performance in women’s futsal players. A total of 8 healthy, active and volunteer women players who had a regular menstruation period and didn’t use any regulatory medical supplement (oral contraceptive) were recruited for this study. To analyse data, means of age, height, body weight and BMI values of the players, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were calculated. The Friedman Two Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test from nonparametric tests was employed to determine if there is a difference among menstrual phases. Findings clearly indicate that flexibility, vertical jump and anaerobic power values showed significant decrease (P<0,01), while other performance variables didn’t show statistical significant differences (P>0.05) among menstrual cycles. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that menstrual cycles of women’s futsal players don’t affect the flexibility, power, speed, anaerobic and aerobic power performances.
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