Objectives: Comparing Cardiac Rehabilitation Guidelines. Method: guidelines were searched alone and with combination with different nations in English language. To review information about the exercises modes, exercise intensity, testing, and monitoring of patients. Results: the United States, Canadian, United Kingdome, and European guidelines all have common components and have differences in the exercises modes and intensity. The United States, Canada, and European guideline suggest aerobic training should progressing from moderate to vigorous intensity through the program, these guidelines also suggest resistance training combined with the aerobic training to improve quality of life. The United Kingdome recommends lower intensity program and less ECG monitoring. Although the other guidelines recommend ECG exercises stress test for functional capacity assessment. Conclusion: guideline for the Mediterranean region should be assembled and after reviewing these guidelines, it is recommended to use ECG monitoring for functional assessment. Managing the risk factors is recommended in all the guidelines. Aerobic endurance training is recommended to advance from moderate to high intensity exercises combined with resistance training. These characteristics are safe for the patients and also showed improvements in patient’s health and quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Faisal Saadoon F. Alenzy, Turki Menwer J. Almuhaid, Theeb Naif S. Alsalem

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