Yavuz K. Guldal, Murat Bilge


The aim of this research is to examine the comparison of the aerobic and anaerobic capacity relationship according to positions of the professional football players (FP). The participants in this study were male FP (n = 32, Mage = 22.19, SD = 2.33, Mheight = 178 cm, SD = 0.04, Mweight = 73.05 kg, SD = 7.39, Mbodyfat %  = 9.01,  SD = 3.43, Mbodymasindex = 23.25,  SD = 2.23,) who professional trained regularly. They participated WAnT and shuttle run tests in order to measure anaerobic power (AnP) (MAnP = 14.31 watt/kg, SD = 1.57), anaerobic capacity (AnC) (MAnC = 7.5 watt/kg, SD = 0.4), maximal heart rate (HRmax ) (MHRmax = 179 beat per minute,  SD = 16.8) and maximal oxygen consumpt (VO2max ) (MVO’max = 51.8 ml/kg/min,  SD = 4.25). According the positions (defence – midfield and forward) of the FP, there isn't a statistical difference among HRmax, VO2max, AnP and AnC (p>0.05). There is no longer the concept of classical position in today's football so the features specific to classical position change. All of the footballers perform in both attack and defense. In accordance with the coach tactics, midfielder and striker blocks are constantly moving back and forth as the field is shrinks and so each player is about the same distances.


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explosive strength, flexibility, lower limb strength, speed, strength

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