Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the communication and problem solving skills of the program supervisors who responsible for youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of several variables.
Material and Method: The study group consisted of 103 participants 45 of whom were female and 58 of whom were male and who were in charge of the youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 2015-2016 period. The “Communication Skills Evaluation Scale (CSES)” was made use of in determining the communication skills of the people who were in charge of youth camps; and the “Problem Solving Inventory (PSI)” was made use of in determining the problem solving skills.
The Findings: It was determined upon the analyses that there were no significant differences between the groups in the communication and problem solving skills of the people responsible for running the program in terms of gender, age, marital status, educational status and in-service training variables (p>0.05); however, it was also determined that there were significant differences between the groups in the communication skills according to the time at office variable as the responsible person (p=0.048), and in problem solving skills according to the occupational status variable. (p=0.042). Upon the analyses that were made to determine the origin of these significant differences, it was determined that the communication skills of the people responsible for the programs who worked for 1-2 years and 5 years and over 5 years were higher; and that the problem solving skills of the students were higher than the public employees.
Result: According to the findings obtained in the scope of the study, it was determined that there was a decrease in the communication skills in the 3rd and 4th years according to the time at office variable; and it was also determined that the problem solving skills of the students were higher than the employees who were working in public institutions. As a conclusion, it was determined that the communication skills of the supervisors who were responsible for the program were high, and the problem solving skills were at the medium level.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.222
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