This paper is focused on participation of women in sport as a strategy of enhancing their ability to function effectively. It identified the influence of women involvement in sport on their ability to perform their role in the society. It solicited for participation of women in sport at all levels. It highlighted the benefits of women involvement in sport and strategies of motivating women into sport. It concluded by pointing out that since sport has the potential of giving women the leverage to increase their ability to function, they should be encouraged to delve into sport-related careers to enhance specialization. It explained ‘being well’ as the exhibition of satisfaction through effective performance of responsibility while ‘to play well’ is the demonstration of efficiency and high productivity. It recommended that policies which promote equity in sport participation should be implemented at all levels and opportunities for women involvement in sport should be expanded at all levels to encourage mass participation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2249
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