The ratio between index finger and ring finger has been found to be a major contributing factor in many sports. Studies have suggested that 2D:4D ratio is negatively correlated with prenatal testosterone, which is further related to superior sports performance. Hence, the present study is a further development in this direction and tries to explore the association of 2D:4D ratio with grip strength and performance in Racquet sport players. 45 Racquet sport players from various academies were measured for 2D:4D ratio, hand grip strength, maximum anaerobic power, and agility and performance level. It was found that 2D:4D ratio was positively correlated with agility and negatively correlated with hand grip strength and maximum anaerobic power. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between 2D:4D ratio and performance in Racquet sport players. The significant results can be investigated further for talent identification and sporting abilities in Racquet-sport players.
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