Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 12-week cardiovascular and aerobic exercise on body composition and some blood parameters in sedentary women. Materials and methods: The selected 48 sedentary women participating at this study were attending B-Fit gymnasium in Giresun province. The sedentary women were splitted into two groups and subjected to the cardiovascular (n = 24) and the aerobic exercises (n = 24) one hour, three times a week. The intensity of the exercises was arranged according to the case that the heart rate is about 130-140 per minute. Measurements were made by adopting the same measurement methods before and after 12-week exercise there after the data were presented in tables using "student’s t-test" and "paired samples statistics". Results: Results have revealed that the values of body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C and waist-to-hip ratio of the subjects are decreased by the end of the 12-week workout. In addition, the HDL-C values of subjects are found to be increased in both groups (p <0.05 and p <0.001). Conclusion: The change in cardiovascular exercise group has been more significant in comparison with the aerobic exercise group. The cardiovascular and aerobic exercises performed in sedentary women have been found to trigger positive changes in body composition and blood parameters.
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