Aim: In order to achieve maximal performance, need for high oxygen uptake is complemented with rigorous training program. To evaluate the effect of 8 weeks high intensity interval training (HIIT) on maximum oxygen uptake capacity and related cardio-respiratory parameters at anaerobic threshold level. Materials and methods: High intensity interval training programme was implemented among 20 trained young male hockey players for 3 days/week. The training set included 2 minutes of intense sprint workout followed by a minute each of active recovery and complete rest. The point of anaerobic threshold was identified with ventilatory equivalent method while the players were subjected to exercise on computerized bicycle ergometer. Results: Present study depicts significant increase in maximum oxygen consumption (+8%, p=0.000), maximum heart rate (+3%, p=0.01) and glycogen content (+3%, p=0.421) with significant decrease in pre-exercise heart rate (-7%, p=0.001), recovery heart rate (-7%, p=0.000) and average breathing frequency (-6%, p=0.014) after 8 weeks of interval training. Oxygen consumption (p=0.505), heart rate (p=0.000) and work load (p=0.004) were also improved significantly at anaerobic threshold level by 11%, 6% and 9% respectively. Conclusion: HIIT protocol ultimately allows the athlete to exercise at higher workload with greater cardiac proficiency within the aerobic zone.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.2279
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