The Purpose: This study was done for evaluating the connection between motor performance skills and body composition of the girls between 6-10 ages. The Method: 57 schoolgirls between 6-10 ages were included to the study. Weight, Age, Height, Body Mass Index (BMI), Free Fat Mass (FFM), Lean Muscle Mass (LMM), Body Fat Mass (BFM) and Body Fat Percentage (BFP) values were measured with (Inbody 230) branded tanita. Long jump, right hand and left hand strength, back strength, 20 meters speed test, sit & reach test, 1 minute pull-up and flamingo balance tests were applied to the participants. Results: Pearson Correlation Test was applied for the analysis by using SPSS 23.0 program. According to the results, the average age is (8,00±,926) years, the average height is (128,7±6,64) cm and the average weight is (28,6±6,67) kg. There is a statistically meaningful relation between long jump, right hand, left hand, back strength, flamingo balance test and BFM, FFM, LMM, BMI and BFP at the (p<0.01) level. However, there is no relation found between 20 meters speed test, sit & reach test, 1 minute pull-up test and body composition parameters. Discussion and Conclusion: At the end of our study, we can say that there is a meaningful relation in a positive way between some motor performance skills and body composition of the girls.
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