Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine whether the types of leadership make a statistically significant difference in terms of university, department and gender variables. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 university students, 37 (37.0%) female and 63 (63.0) male, participated in the study. The sample of the study includes 46 (46%) from Ege University and 54 (54%) students from Celal Bayar University. 67 (67%) of the students study Sports Teaching and 33 (33%) of them were students of Sport Management. There are 35 items in the scale. The items are coded as “Always ”, ”Very Frequent”, “Sometimes”, “Occasionally” and ”Never”. The reliability coefficient calculated by the researcher is 0.86. The Leadership Orientation Inventory of Luthans was used as data collection tool. Gender, university and department (Physical Education and Sports Teaching & Sports Management) variables were statistically analysed using SPSS 21.0 program. Results: When the results were analysed, it was determined that there was no significant difference in terms of gender, university and department (p> .05) variables. Conclusions: In conclusion, it was seen that the students' leadership types were not affected by gender, university and departmental variables.
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