Introduction: Physical activity and sports have always been considered as an unseparated part of physical training and mental health condition of the human being. Most adolescents prefer to do sport activity but only when driven by teachers or parents. They spend more time watching TV or playing on computer than playing in open spaces with their friends. Methods: This study employed in total 302 pupils, 154 boys & 208 girls 11-14 years old, in public & private school representing different socioeconomic attributes. Objective measurements of height & weight were obtained. BMI is measured by measuring weight and height at 9:00-10:00 a.m. Questionnaires of time expenditure (based on EPAQ2, Source: Wareham et al. IJE 2002) and mental health (Rate yourself from Poul M. Insel and Walton T. Roth, 1988) are fulfilled within one week with the parents support. Results: Our study is meant to be realistic, honest and true. BMI itself seem to be lower than the WHO standards, so we have no overweight and obesity. In Shkodra, the correlation between them, mental health (>16 according to the scale) and time expenditure goes in right proportion, higher the PA (PA games Home Help, Walk, Sp, GYM), higher Mental Health scale results we have got. Conclusions: In this study proved that the addition of school sports activity, improves the quality of mental health "as in all groups there is a strong correlation between mental health and active time.” Physical education in school shows to have significant role in normalizing stress and aggression rate among pupils and improving mental health. Study confirms that mental and emotional health are influenced by gender and type of school sports activities, as in the different categories of variables correlation is strong in different classes and schools of different genres.
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