Educational development is a concept that has adequate scholarly description. It advocates for positive change in educational system to enhance learning. This paper focuses on utilization of sports for improved learning at all levels of education. It presents various ways sports can be used to improve learning in order to achieve educational goals. It highlights how Sports can influence learners, learning experiences, materials and environment. In conclusion, it posits that since sports influence virtually every aspect of human life which results to positive change, it should be utilized for educational development. Sports would ensure increased period of physical activities at school and encourage active life at home which would result to positive life style among the populace. The role of education in the society has made its development a continual process, therefore necessary collaborations should be employed to ensure success. It recommends that: Sports should be integrated in every area of educational curriculum with adequate time allotted to sporting activities. Participation in sports as part of educational curriculum should be made mandatory in educational institutions. Government should mount enlightenment campaign on the need for education through sports.
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