Purpose: The present study was aimed to investigate the characteristics of lean body tissue composition in a group of young (mean age 16.7 ± 2.31 yrs) male athletes of different sports and the effect of sports specific physical activity on body tissue composition. Methods: Three hundred forty two (n= 342) male players of different sports viz., football, hockey, table tennis and badminton along with seventy two (n=72) sedentary school boys were also evaluated for various anthropometric and body composition parameters. Body composition including, body fat % (BF %), fat free mass (FFM), body cell mass (BCM) and extra cellular mass (ECM) was determined by whole body bio impedance measurements using a multi-frequency analyzer (Maltron Bioscan 920-2, Maltron International, Rayleigh, Essex, UK). Relative BCM, BCM Index (BCMI) and the ECM /BCM ratio were also calculated. Results: One-way ANOVA reveals significant differences (p<0.01) in BF%, FFM, BCM and ECM when compared among the group. BCM% related to body weight was also differed significantly (p<0.01) and found highest value in hockey players and lowest value in control group followed by the table tennis players. However, only significant difference was observed in case of BCMI when table tennis players were compared to their badminton counterparts. Scatter plot of BMI and BCMI predicted that both soccer and hockey players had greater lean mass variations whereas table tennis players exhibited lower lean mass variations. Conclusions: Differences in BCM, relative BCM, ECM/BCM, BCM/FFM and BCMI could be the potential indicators for the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative alterations in imposed training load of the athletes from different sports. The findings of present study may be useful to the players and their trainers to formulate the systematic training programme to enhance the sports performance.
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