Physical activity, health fitness and academic results are two very important goals in the student life. Whereas Success in study lies in academic subjects in educational establishment where Marshall, Nick Draper and Helen (2014) indicate that time of physical activity is reduced to improve academic results in many countries thing confirmed in university programs. While Riva L. Rahl (2010) confirms that spending, increased time in structured physical education does not reduce academic achievement and may even contribute to achievement case middle and high school in Algeria. From this perspective, our outcome in this study reveals the contradictions between the two philosophers which agreed the importance of physical education in the component of the curriculum based on declaration of Jane M. Shimon (2011). Where others educators approved that physical education and sports would never be a component of the curriculum based on statement of Dhiraj Kumar Singh (2010) declaration. Whereas our results based on body shape index (ABSI) and body composition BMI as health measures confirm that the absence of lesson physical education and sport is a risk factors on fitness health from that we agreed the philosophers that physical activities are a very important activity in the life of our female students ♀ in different academic specialty and in all levels of life (A K Sayed 2012). Where Helen Toner et al confirm the Sport practice is a physical and a mental effort that we make to use extra energy of our body consume regularly (Helen Toner, John Reynolds , 2016 ) which guides us that Sport is the key to a healthier life according to Ali Narvani et al (2014) where Frank Webbe(2010) and Tomporowski, Phillip (2015) confirm that the role of physical activity has a great role in the development of brain networks and the adaptive mental function.
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